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Synergy Ventures

the creation of a whole that is greater than

the simple sum of its parts.

Synergy Ventures

We are an evergreen venture fund and business strategy think-tank founded and run by successful post exit entrepreneurs. Over the last decade, our principals have helped build disruptive high growth start ups to post IPO companies. We are active strategists who invest our own capital + expertise to help increase value in our portfolio companies


We focus in early stage consumer brands, disruptive technologies and healthcare.

noun I Syn·er·gy  +   noun I Ven·ture 


50 years of combined experience, multiple exits and tested strategies; we've learned first hand that mastery of an idea, service or product alone is not enough. Today's businesses and startups require an equal mastery of branding, operations, strategy and finance  to support and excel any product or service into ultimate success. Our investment philosophy is to provide capital to ideas, entrepreneurs and companies in in combination with our value add expertise.

+$20mm invested to date   18 companies  I 5 operational businesses I 8 exits  


Synergy Ventures

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